Re: Detecting a sniffer

Dave Barr (
Tue, 02 May 1995 11:30:22 -0400

In message <>, Dave Hors
fall writes:
>On Mon, 1 May 1995, Bennett Todd wrote:
>> You can't "detect a sniffer" from looking at the net; [...]
>Not even with a Time Domain Reflectometer?

Come on, folks, this discussion has gone beyond noise into the realms
of absurdium.

TDR's only work with coax.   10BaseT greatly complicates things.

Furthermore a TDR only can find unauthorized taps.  The original
question did not say "how can I find unauthorized taps on my wire".
It was "how can I detect a sniffer".  These are two very different

So can we all please shut up about this topic and get back to the
subject of the list?
